I asked several different bots to re-write READY PLAYER TWO

Thom Dunn
14 min readNov 25, 2020
Image via YouTube

Ready Player One was bad—shlock wish-fulfillment fantasy that rewards the reader for understanding fairly-basic nerd pop culture references, instead of providing any value or satisfaction derived from character, plot, emotion, philosophy, prose, or anything else that typically constitutes good writing. I say this, knowing that I should have been the target audience.

And thus it was inevitable that Ready Player Two would be worse.

So I took a few paragraphs from the free sample on Amazon, and fed them into several different AI text generators to see what would happen.

Here’s the source text I used:

Here’s what the InferKit Standard Generator gave me back:

This is just depressingly perfect.

As I paid my parking fee (The OASIS had a brilliantly integrated parking system, in which one paid for parking not once, but once for each of the virtual-reality universes it mimicked), I thought of Tony Stark, the brilliant young inventor and entrepreneur behind the Iron Man superhero armor. Having initially borrowed a few…



Thom Dunn
Thom Dunn

Written by Thom Dunn

Writer of fiction, article, songs, and more. Enjoys quantum physics, Oxford Commas, & romantic clichés, esp. when they involve whiskey. HATES Journey.

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